lunes, julio 30, 2007

In the air tonight

The month of July has been sort of a bust as far as blogging goes, due mostly to traveling to Buenos Aires (more elaborate post to follow) and the states to see my family. The U.S. was an odd culture shock this time, mostly because I wasn't in New York, and Stuart, FL is unfamiliar territory. Everything was so expansive, tables set far apart from each other in restaurants; I got some of my personal space back.

Riding around with the top down, to and from the beach, I started to think that I could get used to this small town, warm climate living. I started to hate Santiago's smog and general sense of rushed unhappiness. I began to think about why it's ok for a man to spread his arms and give a giant push to a bunch of people standing in the door of the Metro, just so he can get on. Or why I'm not allowed to touch my shampoo before I buy it. Or why I need a hundred receipts. I was so happy to be in Florida..why did it make me so bitter?

This was fleeting, because I got to eat at some awesome restaurants (especially this one) and spend alot of quality time with Tom, Sue and Christine. I got some sun. It was very relaxing, even though I had to make some early morning runs to Starbucks to work on this and the people were unbelievably pleasant.

But I enjoyed flying back into Santiago, after all. It isn't my favorite city, it doesn't feel like home, but I love my job. Eleven months later, I still love my job. I'm hitting a groove with how to make money and do this at the same time, planning for the future, making connections. So many people have come here for the city, but I came for the organization. For all of these issues I've found with this city, it brought me to the exact place I need to be.

And the mountains are gorgeous.

domingo, julio 08, 2007

New Gig

I have a new gig writing for a Wilco fan blog. Check it out here. Although, the first two posts have me depressed (about not being able to go to Bonnaroo, mostly).
