miércoles, julio 09, 2008

That makes three

Continuing my list of favorite places in Santiago, which has now spilled over into its fourth month with only two posts under my belt, I bring you La Vega.

This is the Vega by mercado central, not to be confused with the other, larger and scarier Vega on the other side of the tracks. This Vega is the feria where, on a lazy Sunday afternoon Liz and I would go and get special gringa priced palta and tomates. We'd create some sort of concotion with whatever looked freshest, generally involving pan de pita and quesillo. Our big plastic shopping bags would be too heavy for one of us, and we'd hop onto the micro, with one handle in each of our hands connected by produce and awkwardly navigating seats filled with moms and their crying babies. At home, unloading the groceries and realizing we'd bought too much for two people, we'd start texting and skyping friends, inviting them over to share our feast. A few hours and boxes of gato later, we'd made the most of our lazy sunday.

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